Traditional Systems

Thieves and criminal intruders are only too aware of the demand on security services and the long delays before the arrival of police or security on site. It is that time delay on which the thieves and criminal intruders rely to undertake their criminal activities.

A few minutes delay is all the intruders need to potentially cause catastrophic damage to your business or property.
Traditional systems provide a deterrent, but they are passive and their weaknesses are well understood and exploited by the criminal fraternity.

There is therefore a need to implement an active offensive system.

In stark contrast SmokeCloak™ systems provide an active response that stops intruders in their tracks, disorientates them and prevents them from undertaking their activity.  The system further drives the criminal intruders out of the property.

SmokeCloak™ The only active offensive system offering zero damage instant protection.

Instant protection“You can’t steal what you can’t see™”

That is the strength of the SmokeCloak™ family of products.

With the implementation of Smokecloak™ costing less than one intrusion it is the game changing security prevention system that is at last turning the tables on the criminal.

Rental and finance options are available to approved customers let Merlin supply and support your safe and secure future, engage SmokeCloak™ to protect your property.

SmokeCloak™ is the only unit that has been tested and certified to EN50131-8-2009.